Deadlines for Springer LNBIP Conference Proceedings  (Full Papers):

Submission:  December 15,  2022  January 31, 2023
Notification of Authors: March 1,  2023   Notification to Authors has been extended
Revisions due: March 15,  2023   April 07, 2023 (Tentative)
Camera-version (strictly following the formatting rules): April 9, 2023
Early Registration: April 30, 2023

Deadlines for Local Conference Proceedings (Abstracts, Extended Abstract and Full Papers): 

Submission: January 31,  2023  March 31, 2023
Notification of Authors: March 1,  2023  April 15, 2023
Early Registration: April 30, 2023

Deadline for Doctoral Consortium:

Submission: March 16, 2023  March 31, 2023
Notification of Authors: April 15, 2023
Early Registration: April 30, 2023

Conference: June 11 – 15, 2023

Selected papers may be published in the Special Issues of the INFORMS “Group Decision and Negotiation Journal” published by Springer as well as in the Journal’s regular issues.

The above dates are subject to change, please be on the lookout for updated dates and announcements from the organizing committee.