Instructions for authors of full papers submitted for Springer LNBIP Conference Proceedings
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
- A full paper reports on completed research.
- The paper is between 8 and 12 pages long excluding references.
- Accepted papers will be published in Springer LNBIP proceedings.
- Authors of papers not accepted for Springer LNBIP may be invited to have their papers considered for the conference proceedings.
- Instructions for preparing a full paper in the Springer format can be found here.
- Authors of accepted papers have to surrender copyright to Springer. Send the signed Springer copyright form via email <> is mandatory for publication. One author may sign the form on behalf of the other authors. In this case, the author signs and accepts the responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors.
- Authors must provide their final paper as a pdf file as well as all source files (Word file or LaTeX files with all associated style files, special fonts, references as Bbl files and eps files) send via email <>.
- At least one of the authors must be registered for the conference by for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Registration information is provided here.
Instructions for authors of Abstracts, Extended Abstracts and Full Papers for Local Proceedings
- Researchers decide what they submit: Abstracts, extended abstracts or full papers report either on completed research or research-in-progress.
- The paper is 2 pages long for extended abstracts and between 8 and 10 pages long for full papers excluding references.
- Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
- In the Local Proceedings, the authors of accepted papers will retain the copyright of their papers. After the reviewing process, the authors could choose to replace their full paper in the Local Proceedings for abstract only. However, to be considered for the Conference Awards evaluation process, those papers should be available as full papers in the Local Proceedings, which will be on a stick that is given only to conference participants, at the beginning of the conference.
Instructions and templates are also provided for abstracts/extended abstracts/full papers written with Microsoft Word.
Instructions for authors of Posters
Posters should use the Poster GDN 2025 Template, which is set up to yield a 70 cm x 100 cm vertical poster. (Template linked here). Printing of Posters for exhibition on the Conference Hall, will be at the responsibility of their own authors.
Accepted posters will be published in GDN 2025 Conference Proceedings.
Paper submission procedure
All submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference management system; to submit please follow the following steps:
1. Prepare your paper according to the instructions given above and save it as a pdf file.
2. Log in to EasyChair using your account (or create one if you do not have it);
3. Choose Author option when selecting gdn2025 conference in EasyChair;
4. Select New Submission and choose one of the specific conference streams relevant to your submission, or the GDN 2025 general stream called “General Topics in GDN” (The list of streams is given here and it will be displayed during the submission process), or Doctoral Consortium.