GDN 2021 Program 
Guide for Submission of Pre-recorded Presentations
As announced before, the 21st International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN) will be held virtually (online). With the exception of the Welcome Reception, all other sessions will be held using the Zoom platform. A 15-minute live or pre-recorded presentation will be scheduled for each paper. (The presenters in the GDN Springer Best Paper and Best Student Paper Competition Sessions will be required to deliver live presentations.) However, in order to avoid potential issues arising because of internet connectivity, we would like to encourage each presenter to send us a 15-minute pre-recorded presentation in advance. Details about how to prepare and send the recorded presentations are given below.
- The duration of each oral presentation is 15 minutes maximum.
- Each video must contain the recording of the presentation with slides, voice and preferably video of the presenter. The video can be produced using free platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, PowerPoint, OBS, or external recording equipment.
- The video should be in mp4 format with the maximum size of 500 MB. The resolution should be 720p or higher.
- The mp4 file should be named in the form of GDN2021paperYY where YY is the two-digit paper number of your GDN 2021 paper on EasyChair. For example, if your GDN 2021 paper on EasyChair is Paper No. 5, please name your file as GDN2021paper05.
- The video should be sent via the free Wetransfer file transfer tool ( to the e-mail:
- Videos that are out of specification (time, size and quality) will not be accepted for presentation.
- The deadline for sending the video of a presentation is May 21, 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact