As a homeowner or property developer in the UK, you may need to request a Thames Water build over agreement if your proposed construction project is going to affect any public sewer pipes or assets. This article will go over what a Thames Water build over agreement is, when and why you might need one, and how to apply for it.

What is a Thames Water build over agreement?

A build over agreement is an agreement between a property owner and the water company responsible for maintaining public sewers, in this case, Thames Water. The agreement is required when an individual or company intends to build over or within three metres of a public sewer or lateral drain. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure the construction project doesn`t cause any damage to the public sewer and that the sewer remains accessible for maintenance purposes.

When might you need a Thames Water build over agreement?

You will need to apply for a build over agreement before starting construction if your project meets any of the following criteria:

– Your planned construction work is within three metres of a public sewer or lateral drain.

– Your planned construction work will involve the building of a new structure, such as an extension, a conservatory, or a basement, right above or adjacent to a public sewer.

– Your planned construction work involves digging more than 1.2 metres deep within six metres of a public sewer.

Why do you need a Thames Water build over agreement?

Failing to get a build over agreement when required can lead to legal action from Thames Water or other water companies. It can also result in fines and the cost of repairing any damage caused to the public sewer or lateral drain. In addition to being a legal requirement, obtaining a build over agreement also gives you peace of mind and ensures that your construction project runs smoothly without any unforeseen complications.

How to apply for a Thames Water build over agreement

You can apply for a build over agreement on the Thames Water website. The application process typically involves providing detailed information about the proposed construction work, the distance between the public sewer and the project site, and the expected duration of the work. Thames Water may also require additional information, such as engineering drawings and photographs of the site.

In conclusion, if you`re planning any construction work that may affect a public sewer or lateral drain in the UK, it`s important to obtain a Thames Water build over agreement before starting the project. Failure to do so can result in costly legal action and long-term damage to the public sewer system. If you`re unsure if you need a build over agreement, contact Thames Water for guidance.