If you`re a homeowner or a landlord, you may have come across the term “RLA agreement” while navigating the legalities of renting out your property. In simple terms, an RLA agreement is a type of tenancy agreement that`s provided by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) – a professional body that supports private landlords across the UK.

What is an RLA agreement?

An RLA agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and their tenant(s). It outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent payable, the length of the tenancy, and the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant(s). An RLA agreement is designed to protect both parties and ensure that they`re aware of their rights and obligations throughout the duration of the tenancy.

What`s included in an RLA agreement?

An RLA agreement includes several key sections that are designed to protect the interests of both the landlord and the tenant(s):

1. Property details: This section includes a description of the property being rented out, including its address, type, and condition.

2. Tenancy details: This section outlines the length of the tenancy, the rent payable, and the payment frequency.

3. Responsibilities: This section outlines the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant(s) throughout the tenancy, including maintenance and repairs.

4. Deposit: This section outlines the amount of deposit payable by the tenant(s), how it will be handled, and the circumstances in which it will be refunded.

5. Ending the tenancy: This section details the circumstances under which the tenancy can be terminated, including notice periods.

6. Miscellaneous: This section includes any additional clauses or provisions that may be relevant to the tenancy.

Why use an RLA agreement?

Using an RLA agreement is recommended for landlords and tenants because it provides a clear framework for the tenancy and protects the interests of both parties. It also ensures that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations and can avoid disputes or misunderstandings throughout the tenancy.

In addition, an RLA agreement is recognized by courts and tribunals, meaning that it can be used as evidence in legal proceedings if necessary.


In summary, an RLA agreement is a type of tenancy agreement that`s provided by the Residential Landlords Association. It outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent payable, the length of the tenancy, and the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant(s). Using an RLA agreement is recommended for landlords and tenants because it provides a clear framework for the tenancy and protects the interests of both parties.